The Grand Dragon Ladakh is committed to reducing its carbon footprint to foster sustainable tourism in the vast unspoilt beauty of Ladakh.
The hotel has made several important environmental improvements to its structure. It has been constructed in traditional Ladakhi style but conforms to Green Architectural standards by using state of art techniques like large glass double glazed windows for optimal use of sunlight and insulation throughout the property, wide staircases for guest use as a healthier option in place of an elevator. Large spaces around the property that are open to the sky and allow for natural light, fresh air and a connection with nature for a healthier, more enjoyable, and balanced environment.

Sustainable Design

In keeping with regional climatic conditions, The Grand Dragon Ladakh is built in alignment with the sun, typical of Ladakhi architecture that follows passive solar design principles to get maximum benefit from sunlight throughout the day in order to conserve energy. Large double glazed glass windows in public areas, restaurants and rooms allow sunlight through the day. These work towards maximizing solar gain in winter and minimizing heat gain in summer.
To ensure environmental sustainability Ladakhi architecture actively promotes the use of locally sourced materials, viz- stone, timber, mud. At The Grand Dragon Ladakh, there is abundant use of locally sourced stone in the foundation, walls, and other structural elements that ensure that the structure can withstand the harsh weather conditions as well as any seismic activity. In addition, local timber from indigenous trees such as juniper and poplar has been used in the exquisite woodwork with detailed carvings and motifs.
This indigenously designed hotel's architecture incorporates the famous Rabsal tradition of Ladakh, visible in the window treatments and balconies. Traditional Shingstak (wooden corbelling) is also seen in the windows and as a result of conservation efforts by The Grand Dragon Ladakh, this architectural heritage of Ladakh is now mandatory in all buildings in the region. To preserve local crafts, the hotel deployed local craftsmen in the creation of the imposing entrance, intricately carved in wood – ubiquitous in Ladakhi palaces and mansions.

Energy Conservation
  • Double glazed windows.
  • Energy efficient heat pump for hot water supply and underfloor heating.
  • Optimum use of natural sunlight in the entire lobby, restaurants, bathrooms and guest rooms.
  • Energy efficient LED lights and power savers.
  • Energy saving smart card device room entry system.
  • European standard of HVAC system for the entire hotel.
  • All electronic equipment is Energy Saving certified.
Aqua Management
  • A specialised water filtration plant, located within the hotel, using advanced technology and conforming to safety and purity standards provides artisanal water in glass bottles. These are placed in all guest rooms and restaurants thereby reducing one time use of plastic. This has been in practice since 2019 and has already resulted in a reduction in usage of over 2 million plastic water bottles till date.
  • Use of bamboo amenities and biodegradable consumables in guest rooms, restaurants and takeaway and food packaging.
Other Sustainability Initiatives
  • Linen reuse program for guests to reduce water consumption and energy conservation.
  • Guests are encouraged to return key cards to the reception before check out so that the hotel can recycle them.
  • Use of paraben-free amenities in guest rooms.
  • Emphasis on non-toxic laundry detergents and cleaning agents.
  • Recycling kitchen waste.
  • Onsite EV charging station.
  • Environmental awareness training classes for the hotel team members.
  • Emphasis on use of local ingredients such as buckwheat, sea buckthorn, yak cheese, apricot thereby encouraging farm to fork.